
Mittwoch, 16. September 2020

Creality Ender 3 v2 - Issues and solutions

Hi guys,

now i am starting with 3d priting.

It is a Creality Enders 3 V2 3D printer from china.

I have already started wokring with it and faced a lot of issues.

This blog post shoul dbe a collection of issues and solutions, found on the internet or experienced by my self.



Printing Object is not sticking to the ground or a corner is not sticking to it.


Edit your 3d model and add a ground floor to the object and around of it. This will have the effect like a basement to give better stability.
This can be done automatically by your Slicer Software like "cura". It has the functionality to add "raft" or a stable "basement" to the model:
Clean your bed regulary with alcohol like ethanol or isopropanol.

Increase the bed temperature and ensure, that the delta between nozzle temperature and bed temperature is not too high.

Play with the fan speed to reduce cooling.


Filliament is not sticking to the ground druing extrusion out of the nozzle


It might be possible, that the nozzle is too far away from the ground. So the filliamen has to flow too long from the nozzle to the ground. this might lead to this problem.
Recalibrate your z-axis/ your bed.
Check if the z- axis sensor has been placed at the lowest posisble level. So the nozzle is next to the surfce of the bed but not touching it yet. If this is the case do a calibrating move of your printer (home position" and check the distance from the nozzle to the ground.
then setup the distance between the bed an dthe nozzle manully that it is equal at each four cornors of the bed.
Beware of that you have initially lowered the be dto the lowest possible level befor adjusting the z-axis sensor.

Another possibility, increate the temperature of the extruder in order to increase the liqudity of the filliament. 

Buy an upgrade for your printer like "Auto Bed Level-Sensor" to automatically consider different values of the z-level during printing run. The program will compensate the slopes and the printing will happen like the bed ha sbeen leveled accurat.


You have to load your printing files manually to the sd card of the printer.


Using a rasperry pi as an attached server to the printer, it is possible to load new printing objects to the SD card of the printer as well as to the raspberry pi itself via netzwork. 
In addition, it can control your whole printer including parameters, temperatures ...

A special distrivution ha sbeen created to offer the functionalities which are needed.
OctoPrint is a available as distribution for your raspberry.

Important: To connect your raspberrypi to ocotprint, you need a usb cable to micro usb which is used for data connection and not charging only (e.g. amazon basic usb cable are able to be used for data connections)

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